About us

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We are a Leeds-based guerilla knitting group, open to anyone with a love of knitting. We meet every other Tuesday, 5.30pm at Wharf Chambers in Leeds (join our Facebook group for regular event invites!). Get in touch at knitabearface@hotmail.co.uk

Monday, 29 October 2012

1000 Snowflakes - Ossett Observer

Image by Shephard Creative 

Things have been a bit quiet over here at Knit A Bear Face lately. So it's great to hear of other yarn-bombing projects going on in other parts of Yorkshire.

The Ossett Observer, a collective of thinkers, doers, and actively creative people, are working on creative projects in their town. This Winter they're working on #1000snowflakes, a festive yarn- and felt-based installation that will cheer up the town in the dreary winter months with hundreds of hand-made snowflakes as individual as the people who created them. Anyone can contribute and there are suggestions for patterns for knitted snowflakes (yaaay!) felted snowflakes (yaay!) and crocheted snowflakes (BOOOOO!) on their website.

Get knitting!